Thursday, December 2, 2010

Why Anger and not Understanding

My job exposes me to all sorts of people in our society. Each day it makes me hate the world more. Watching the stupid go about their day in big box retail stores destroy themselves slowly is amazing and disgusting at the same time. Similar to watching a car accident or a train wreck, you know you should not watch but cannot tear your eyes away. AND i HATE it.

Why hate? Why not be positive and try to help the world like an annoying hippie? While I do consider myself a fundamentally decent person and I don't go out of my way to be evil, I feel that this environment that I am exposed to has broken me into a cynical man when I deal with the stupid. My expectations are so low, that when I do find someone with a measure of intelligence it is akin to finding the damn Ark of the Covenant. BUT when I come across someone truly ignorant and incompetent, it now stokes a fire of anger mixed with sarcasm that often I must hold back and occasionally leaks out in snide remarks or the recent #iHATEitHERE posts on Facebook.

Thanks to the holiday season the odds of running into these type of people has increased exponentially, much to my annoyance but it may benefit any of you who choose to read this blog and find amusement here. We will see where this goes.


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