Saturday, December 4, 2010

Multiple Motivations

As you can tell from my background photo, one of the major motivations of this small exercise is the character of Spider Jerusalem from the graphic novel Transmetropolitan. (if you need to do some research.)
In short, a futuristic version of Hunter S. Thompson that REALLY hates the world.

There has also been another major influence recently to the angered approach I am taking to this blog. I have been on a nearly daily marathon of watching House MD on DVD. Dr. House's cynical manner in which he treats everyone is fascinating to me and has made me reflect on how I go about with dealing with people who frustrate or annoy me. Now I am not going to go out and be a total asshole to every person I encounter mind you, BUT there have been a few situations recently where I have responded to dumb people in a very House-like manner. The scary thing about it is that is has been kinda fun...


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